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Home » Issues » Safety Net Bulletin #1

Safety Net Bulletin #1

SafetyNetBulletin1.jpgThis is the first of periodic bulletins sent by the Safety Net Working Group of the Professional Staff Congress.

Huge cuts to social programs for the 99% and tax cuts for the 1% — that in a nutshell is the Wall Street agenda. Whether it is draconian cuts to the safety net put in motion by the congressional super committee, privatization schemes for Medicare and Medicaid or a governor’s choice to cut public sector jobs and services rather than tax millionaires, the Wall Street agenda too often has bipartisan enablers in Washington and state capitals.

Given the immediacy of the super committee report to Congress on November 23rd and the sun setting of the NY millionaire’s tax on December 31st, we need to take action.

Here are three things you can do:

1. Tell Congress hands off the Safety Net! Send an Act Now e-letter! Congress’s Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (aka: the “Super Committee”) is meeting in secret, and making plans that could increase economic insecurity and reduce access to health care for millions of Americans. The fight is on to protect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, employee health benefits, public-sector pensions and other safety net programs.

As workers, we’ve earned our network of benefits, and we must fight to keep them. National safety net programs, public pensions and other benefits are under attack.

Click here to send a letter to your representatives and congress. Tell them, hands off the social safety net!

Nov17thDayofActionFoleySq.jpg2. Join the nationwide day of action on Thursday, November 17th! Rally to defend and expand the safety net — for investment in infrastructure and jobs – to make the 1% pay their fair share of taxes! The PSC is joining other NYC unions and community groups in partnership with Occupy Wall Street for a rally and march at 5 pm at Foley Square. (PSC members: Meet at Worth Street and Broadway at 5 pm.) In the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, make your own signs. Read more.

3. Come to an intergenerational safety net dialogue with OWS. Occupiers and their supporters will focus on the defense of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other vital social programs on Monday, November 21, 10:30 am at the UFT, 52 Broadway. The day’s program includes a panel discussion and audience dialogue followed by a solidarity march to Zuccotti Park and an intergenerational salute to Occupy Wall Street. Hosted by NY Network for Action on Medicare & Social Security, NYC and NY State Alliance for Retired Americans and NY Statewide Senior Action Council. Co-sponsored by the many organizations including the PSC Safety Net Working Group. Click here for a flier.

Online Resources

Research and Information

  • Center for Economic and Policy Research—
  • Economic Policy Institute—
  • National Academy of Social Insurance—
  • Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) of the City of New York—


  • National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare—

The PSC Safety Net Working Group

  • Coverage of the Oct. 25th Safety Net Forum
  • Brochure: Defending the Social Safety Net — A Call to Action
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