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PSC New York State Budget Campaign Calendar

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M. 2/3 Social Media campaign begins: sign-on letter: assembly members support CUNY funding

T. 2/4 NYSUT lobbying, Albany

Higher Education hearing, Albany

Sat. 2/8 Revenue Coalition Town Hall @PSC

T. 2/11 #1 Weekly call w/legislators – sign-on letter: assembly members write Speaker Heastie to support CUNY funding

Social Media Message – Week two: Black, Latinx, Asian Caucus members must support new revenue for CUNY and resources for students

Th. 2/13 Flying Squad #1 to Albany, revenue coalition press conference

F. 2/14-2/16 Black, Latinx, Asian Caucus, Albany

M. 2/17 Launch Action Network sign-on letter: Tell Albany to Stop Starving CUNY

T. 2/18 #2 Weekly call w/legislators – sign-on letter: Senators write to Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to support CUNY funding

Social Media message – Week three: CUNY and the Boroughs. Legislators in their districts. Highlight your individual college needs w/photos, video…

W. 2/19 Flying Squad #2 -to Long Island with Revenue Coalition – visit six legislators

Th. 2/20 CUNY Rising Alliance Town Hall @ City Tech

M. 2/24 #3 Weekly call with legislators

Social Media message – Week four: Fund CUNY’s Instructional Mandatory Needs: library hours, full-time faculty, counselors, living wage for adjuncts, academic advisors, etc..;  New funding needed to replace tuition increase. [tentative topic]

Th. 2/27 Joint union/student lobby day, Albany (busses)

Saturday 2/29 Senator Liz Kreuger budget forum 2:00 – 5:00 PM National Academy of Medicine (103 St + 5th ave)



M. 3/2 #4 Weekly call w/legislators

Social Media message – Week five: Fill the TAP Gap – Stop Starving CUNY!
– what can TAP funding be used for at your campus: library books, hours, counselors, advisors…

M., Tues. 3/2 – 3/3 NYSUT Committee of 100, Albany

W. 3/4Flying Squad #3 – attend Albany session w/PSC bandanas  – Wear red (bandana) for CUNY Funding Day; (distribute bandanas to legislators all morning)

F. 3/6 – 3/8 Somos el Futuro, Albany

M. 3/9 #5 Weekly call w/legislators

Social Media message – Week six: Higher Ed must stay a top priority! New funding needed to replace tuition increase.

Revenue Coalition March “Make Billionaires Pay” 12:00

Lehman College CUNY Rising Alliance/PSC Town Hall

T. 3/11 Flying Squad #4 – visit Albany session w/bandanas  – Wear red for CUNY Funding Day [PSC bandanas]

Th. 3/12 ** CUNY-wide Campus Actions to #FundCUNYNow
CSI Town Hall

F. 3/13 ** City-wide Tour/Demonstration to Legislators’ offices and Gov. Cuomo, NYC

Sun. 3/15 Annual University Student Senate “March in March” walk over Brooklyn Bridge

M. 3/16

#6 Weekly call w/legislators

Social Media message – Week seven: NO budget deal without substantial revenue for public higher ed!! [tentative topic]

Th. 3/19 NYSUT/PSC Roundtable, City Tech at 12:30

M. 3/23 #7 Weekly call w/legislators

Social Media message – Week eight: Keep your eyes on the prize: Revenue needed to solve funding emergency in public higher ed! [tentative topic]

M. 3/23 – F. 3/27 Flying Squad in Albany with Revenue Coalition [tentative]

M. 3/30- Tues 3/31 Flying Squad in Albany with Revenue Coalition [tentative]


April 1 – NYS budget due

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