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Raises for all, boosts for many titles

Union reaches historic agreement By CLARION STAFF

The PSC’s bargaining committee – after nearly two years of intense struggle against an often intransigent management bargaining team – agreed to a tentative contract agreement with CUNY on December 16. As this newspaper went to press, the committee transmitted the agreement to the Delegate Assembly for its approval. Balloting for the broader membership, assuming the DA grants its approval, is set to begin in December and continue through early January.

The union’s leadership enthusiastically encourages members to vote yes on the deal and vows swift and aggressive implementation and enforcement of the deal upon its full ratification. The deal includes universal raises of 13.4%, and equity raises for many of the lowest-paid titles that will have those members seeing raises of up to 40%.


Across the board, all members will receive annual increases over the life of the 57-month  contract of 3% in the first year, 3% in the second, 3.25% in the third and 3.5% in the fourth, with retroactive pay going back to 2023, when the contract expired. Members will receive a signing bonus of $3,000 (prorated for part-time workers). Members will receive voting instructions by USPS and email.

The agreement spans four years from March 1, 2023, to November 30, 2027, and includes across-the-board compounded salary increases of 13.4%, with retroactive pay. That means increases of

  • 3.0% effective March 1, 2023 (retroactive).
  • 3.0% effective May 1, 2024 (retroactive).
  • 3.25% effective September 1, 2025.
  • 3.5% effective November 1, 2026.

Members will also receive a $3,000 ratification bonus for full-time positions, prorated for part-time titles.

The minimum pay for an adjunct will increase 29.1% (from $5,500 to $7,100) per three contact hour course, and 37.7% (from $6,875 to $9,467) per four contact hour course, over the term of the contract, as hourly compensation is changed in 2027 to per-course compensation.


The proposed agreement contains big gains for other titles:

PSC Secretary Andrea Vásquez leads a walkout of a CUNY Board of Trustees hearing on October 21 at John Jay College. (Credit: Erik McGregor)

  • Additional equity raises for CUNY’s lowest-paid instructional titles: Assistants to HEOs, CLIP and CUNY Start instructors, graduate assistants, non-teaching adjuncts, adjunct CLTs and continuing education teachers.
  • Effective March 1, 2027, additional $1,250 salary increases for members who are on the top step of a salary schedule and are not already receiving an equity raise greater than $1,250. Top-step Assistants to HEOs will receive the $1,250 instead of the $1,000 equity increase.
  • On September 1, 2026, a $2,500 lump sum for lecturers/doctoral lecturers upon attainment of a Certificate of Continuous Employment (CCE), or for those who already have a CCE.
  • A promotional track from lecturer/doctoral lecturer to new titles, senior lecturer/senior doctoral lecturer.
  • Guaranteed increase of at least one salary step upon promotion or reclassification.
  • Eligibility for $2,500 assignment differentials for full-time CLT and senior CLT titles at the top salary step.
  • Additional contributions of over $4 million in our PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund over the term of the contract, protecting and improving benefits.
  • Allowing department chairs, GC executive officers and SPS directors to roll over up to $6,000 of their Department Chair Research Awards and additional time to use the accumulated funds.
  • HEO assistants who have a master’s degree or a PhD in a field related to their work will receive salary differentials of $1,000 and $2,500, respectively.
  • Workload credit for pay and benefits for adjuncts teaching “jumbo” courses, based on department and unit practice.

The agreement also includes many non-economic gains, including:

  • A new multi-year appointment provision for teaching adjuncts allowing for two-year appointments with an additional third year at the college’s discretion.
  • For the first time, SEEK and College Discovery directors will be included in the PSC bargaining unit.
  • Extension of paid parental leave for full-time faculty and staff from 8 to 12 weeks (starting March 1, 2025).
  • Restructured PSC-CUNY Research Award, increasing awards and expanding access to course release time.
  • New post-tenure Reassigned Time Award for assistant and associate professors.
  • Improvements to process of reclassification: Notification on the outcome of reclassification requests will now be provided within 90 days of submitting an application. Additionally, there will now be at least one PSC-named HEO-series member on each college HEO committee.
  • End to sabbatical quota for Hunter College Campus Schools faculty, with up to 100% pay for sabbatical.
  • New college-based labor-management committees to address local health and safety workplace issues.
  • Improvements in educational technology and distance learning.
  • Increase in available stipends to up to $10,000 for defined projects of full-time faculty, including availability of stipends to adjuncts for online course development.

The tentative agreement is the culmination of hundreds of hours of tough negotiations against a management that has sought to erode many of the contractual protections the PSC has fought for over the decades. The leadership is proud to report that, with the unity of the bargaining committee and the activism of the rank-and-file and the chapter leadership, the union has been able to protect existing gains in addition to the generous cash injections members will see in their paychecks.

Almost two years ago, members from across the city, from all titles, came together and voiced the problems that they had on the job: low pay, rising workloads and limited paths to promotion. This tentative agreement addresses these concerns, the union leadership said, demonstrating the power and the unity of the PSC’s diverse membership.

In his message to members, PSC President James Davis (see story, page 2) said, “The bargaining team endorses this tentative agreement enthusiastically because it will improve the work lives and the economic

circumstances of all PSC members. After early CUNY delays and limited engagement, we have been in steady bargaining since the spring, committed to finishing this semester. With hundreds of hours working at and away from the table, the bargaining team knows how important it is to secure these annual raises and other strong gains now, in anticipation of likely economic and political instability ahead.”


Members are already voicing their approval.

“As an adjunct associate professor at the College of Staten Island, I believe this agreement reflects a significant step forward in addressing the needs of adjunct faculty, ensuring that we are seen, valued, and fairly compensated for our contributions to the CUNY system,” said Joseph Frusci, who teaches in the department of history and computer science. “This contract agreement is the product of dedicated and tireless advocacy from the PSC bargaining team and the union membership at large. It demonstrates what can be achieved through solidarity, persistence and shared purpose.”

He continued, “The prioritization of equity raises and fair compensation for the lowest-paid members sets a powerful example for higher education institutions nationwide.

“As an adjunct faculty member who has long served CUNY students, I feel hopeful and proud to see tangible progress that values our work. I applaud the PSC leadership, bargaining team and all members who participated in this effort to secure such a strong and forward-thinking agreement.”

Elizabeth Stevenson, a senior adviser for ASAP at City Tech, said, “I’m really glad – everybody will be able to work now under a new contract with these improvements.”


John Gallagher, director for technology at Borough of Manhattan Community College, said the deal “exceeds my expectations,” as it “managed not to make any concessions to management but we’ve also made significant advancements in terms of equity for our aHEO and HEOa colleagues.” He added, “The extension of time to use annual leave and the enhancements to the people at the top steps are also big gains for HEO staff. The bargaining team did a great job.”

Upon approval of the DA, the tentative agreement will go to the members for a vote. Voting will be open until January 10.

Members will receive voting instructions by mail and can find more information both about the details of the contract and on how to vote at Voting will take place online and over the phone.


Schedule of Salary Increases for Titles Receiving Additional Equity Increases
3/1/2023   4/1/2024  9/1/2025  9/1/2026  3/1/2027  Total Increase 2023-2027
Assistant to HEO 3.0% 3.0% 3.25% 3.5% + $1000 lump sum + $1,000 on base Ranging from 14.8% to 15.6%
CLTs, All Titles 3.0% 3.0% 3.25% 3.5% + $5,000 lump sum +$5,000 on base Ranging from 18.46% to 23.9%
CLIP & CUNY Start Instructors 3.0% 3.0% 3.25% 3.5% + $2,000 lump sum +$2,000 on base Ranging from 15.5% to 17.4%
Grad Assist. A & B 3.0% 3.0% 3.25% 3.5% + $4,000 lump sum +$4,000 on base Ranging from 23.9% 43.4 %
Grad Assist C & D 3.0% 3.0% 3.25% 3.5% + $1,000 lump sum +$1,000 on base Ranging  from 16.9% to 30.6%

Published: December 20, 2024

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