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New Caucus Slate for 2024 PSC Election

James Davis, candidate for PSC President

James Davis

James Davis

James Davis, Professor of English at Brooklyn College, has served as PSC President since his election in 2021. He holds elected leadership positions in the AFT, NYSUT, and the Municipal Labor Committee and chairs the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund trustees. As the COVID-19 pandemic extended beyond year one, he led the PSC’s impact bargaining with the CUNY administration, including the struggle for a coherent vaccine policy and the rollover of unused travel funds. During his first term, the PSC revived its membership campaign and gained hundreds of new members after a pandemic-era decline. He has advocated consistently for preserving municipal retiree access to traditional Medicare and engaged PSC members in that fight. In collaboration with coalition partners in the CUNY Rising Alliance, the PSC brought new state funding into the University, including millions of dollars to hire full-time faculty, and prevented the worst of the Mayoral cuts to CUNY.

As President, he has used his platform to advocate for educational quality and accessibility, racial and economic justice, and professional respect and job security on our campuses. The union’s legislative and electoral efforts have been energized by PSC member participation during his first term. Working with the Executive Council, he coordinated an inclusive process for engaging members in every title to develop an ambitious bargaining agenda for the next contract and prepared the union’s negotiations committee for bargaining. The Campus Action Teams that animate the union’s contract campaign grew from the deliberate collaboration of Chapter Chairs and the Executive Council. He has attended chapter meetings at every senior and community college and remains committed to engaging union members as the fights continue for a just contract and a New Deal for CUNY. A devoted teacher and scholar, he has published widely on American literature and received Brooklyn College’s Excellence in Teaching Award.

Jennifer Gaboury, candidate for PSC First Vice President

Jennifer Gaboury

Jennifer Gaboury

Jennifer Gaboury is a Lecturer on an adjunct conversion line in the Department of Women and Gender Studies at Hunter College. She teaches courses related to politics, gender, and sexualities and is working on a book on bathrooms, sharing intimate public space, and forging stronger commitments to public institutions. She has served on the boards of CLAGS, the Alternatives to Marriage Project, and currently sits on the steering committee for NYC Opt Out. She previously worked at Human Rights Watch.

Jen has been involved with the PSC since 2003, where she organized with the Adjunct Project and joined the Legislative Committee. She currently serves as Hunter College’s Chapter Chair and is the Interim VP for Senior Colleges, in addition to serving on the Executive Council, Legislative Committee, and our Bargaining Committee.

As someone serving on a union-won adjunct conversion line, Jen is deeply committed to winning more dedicated adjunct conversion lines and expanding our “Hire From Within” Campaign. She has long been involved with the CUNY Rising Alliance and, if elected, looks forward to building a strong advocacy community among our largest constituency: CUNY alumni! Jen helped develop our “district captain” program, where members serve as the conduit between our elected reps and members in their city, state, and/or federal election districts; and she looks forward to growing this network. She’s been deeply involved with our state funding efforts tied to a New Deal for CUNY and is a champion of making CUNY tuition-free (again!) for in-state undergrads. Jen has pledged to give the people what they want: an online PSC and CUNY Rising swag store.

Felicia Wharton, candidate for PSC Treasurer

Felicia Wharton

Felicia Wharton

Felicia Wharton serves as the PSC Treasurer and is a Doctoral Lecturer at the Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center (BEOC), administered by the New York City College of Technology. In her three years as Treasurer, she has demonstrated a commitment to accurately accounting for all union funds, coordinating budget development, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding the union’s assets. Felicia is a PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Trustee, NYSUT Board member, AFT Civil Human Rights Committee member, and PSC Teacher Education Representative. To address issues in teacher education, Felicia, working with David Gerwin of Queens College, established the PSC Teacher Education Working Group (TEWG) to unify, support, and develop a solid teacher-educator network across CUNY. Members of TEWG have provided input in state-level discussions and comment periods, such as edTPA, and have been appointed to NYSUT committees to address various issues in education. Felicia has a long record of advocacy for the Educational Opportunity Centers (EOCs), highlighting issues faculty and staff face daily, and continues to improve the working conditions for this group of PSC members. Felicia is a CUNY graduate with a PhD in Urban Education from the Graduate Center, a Master’s in Pure Mathematics from Hunter College, and, recently, a Master’s in Higher Education Administration from Baruch College. Felicia is a native of Barbados, a small island in the Caribbean, and a cricket fan. She has a vast eyewear collection and loves wearing bright colors year-round. She is honored to be running for Treasurer on the New Caucus slate.

Andrea Vásquez, candidate for PSC Secretary

Andrea Vásquez

Andrea Vásquez

Andrea Vásquez is the PSC First Vice President, running for the position of PSC Secretary. A Brooklyn native, Andrea attended NYC public schools and earned her BA from Hunter College. She is Associate Director at the Graduate Center’s American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning and has been active in the PSC since 2000, when she moved from an RF line into the HEO series. Before becoming First VP, she was a Delegate, then HEO Chapter Chair where she focused on building new leadership and on contract enforcement, after the PSC won the HEO Salary Differential and improvements to reclassification. As Secretary, Andrea will continue to focus on a New Deal for CUNY, increasing membership and engaging in coalition work with other unions and organizations, including the CUNY Rising Alliance.

Driven by her passion to win a just contract for all, as we also fight for the quality education our students deserve, Andrea has served on the contract negotiations team since 2010. She understands the significance of the major structural and economic advances that the PSC has won for and with members, and she is committed to securing a contract that strengthens and improves upon those victories. Andrea has spent years fighting for the best possible budgets for funding CUNY and the best possible contracts for members. Facing management at the bargaining table, building alliances with Albany legislators, speaking at PSC events and meetings, demonstrating in the streets of our city, engaging in civil disobedience, and conducting surveys are all components of our campaigns. She looks forward to continuing this work for #APeoplesCUNY, alongside PSC members.

Penny Lewis, candidate for PSC VP of Senior Colleges

Penny Lewis

Penny Lewis

Penny Lewis has been active in the PSC since her time as a Sociology Doctoral Student at the CUNY Graduate Center, through serving as a Teaching Fellow at John Jay, Adjunct at Queens, Instructor at BMCC, and in her current position as Professor of Labor Studies at the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. In positions such as former VP for Senior Colleges and currently PSC Secretary, Penny has helped develop union strategy and lead numerous initiatives, by collaborating with member leaders and external allies and supporting and building chapter and organizational strength. If elected as VP of Senior Colleges, Penny will continue to support Campus Action Teams and other forms of cross-title solidarity, and work with chapters to gain greater research support for faculty.

Michael Batson, candidate for PSC Senior College Officer

Michael Batson

Michael Batson

Michael Batson has worked at CUNY for 23 years, the first 17 as an Adjunct Lecturer and the past six as a Lecturer. He began attending chapter meetings at CSI in 2004 and was hired as the CSI Campus Adjunct Liaison in 2007. He was first elected to the Executive Council in 2009. He is currently serving on his third Bargaining Committee and has played a role in every major event the union has undertaken since 2009. Among the noteworthy roles he has played in union campaigns were: serving on the Adjunct Healthcare Committee that achieved the transitioning of adjuncts on to the city healthcare, taking the lead on his campus in organizing the “Yes” vote for Strike Authorization in 2016, working as the Part-Time Liaison, by signing up new members and informing adjuncts about the need to sign up for their pensions prior to the transition to Tier VI, and working with the local CSI Chapter to build a well-functioning and robust chapter with engaged delegates. Michael is excited to be running for re-election as a Senior College Officer.

Stuart Davis, candidate for PSC Senior College Officer

Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis is Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Baruch College, where he has also served as the Chapter Chair since 2022 and Vice Chair from 2019-2022. He is currently Co-Chair of the PSC One-on-One Conversations Committee and an active member of the International Committee and Academic Freedom Committee. His union interests range from building robust local chapters to promoting anti-imperialist labor activism on the global stage. His work in the PSC earned him a spot on the City and State “Labor 40 Under 40” power list in 2021. ( In 2018-2019 he participated in the PSC’s Next Generation Leadership Training Program. He is currently a member of the New Caucus Governing Board and Coordinating Committee. Stuart is proud to be running for Senior College Officer on the New Caucus slate.

Susan Kang, candidate for PSC Senior College Officer

Susan Kang

Susan Kang

Susan Kang is an Associate Professor of Political Science at John Jay College, where she has worked since 2008. She served as a Senior College Officer with the PSC from 2021-2024. During her time in the union, she has served as a member of the John Jay College Executive Committee, served as a Department rep, participated in earlier Contract and Strike authorization campaigns, and participated in the Legislative Committee’s endorsement decisions. In addition, Susan has participated in lobbying both local and Albany lawmakers to secure greater funding for CUNY. In 2022-2023, she served as a Coordinator Liaison (with Geoffrey Kurtz) for the CUNY Rising Alliance. In addition, she attended the 2022 NYSUT Representative Assembly, where PSC members successfully promoted NYSUT’s endorsement of the NY Build Public Renewables Act (later passed by the state legislature in 2023). Susan also has experience with canvassing and volunteering for progressive and insurgent electoral campaigns.

Kathleen Offenholley, candidate for PSC VP of Community Colleges

Kathleen Offenholley

Kathleen Offenholley

Kathleen Offenholley has been active in the PSC since she first started at BMCC in 2008. She became Secretary of the BMCC PSC chapter in 2013, and went on to serve as Vice Chair and, in 2019, Chapter Chair. In the fight for our previous contract, she participated in getting members to vote in the Strike Authorization campaign, and in marches and sit-ins. She participated in civil disobedience to get a good contract in front of CUNY Central. On the BMCC campus, she has helped organize grade-ins, tabling, marches to the BMCC President’s office, and participation in rallies at nearby City Hall. BMCC’s “Wear Red for Higher Ed” tabling last year was particularly successful in bringing people together and creating space for community and solidarity during an immensely difficult time. Union-wide, she serves as Chair of the Elections Committee. She also participates regularly in one-on-one phone banking and Hustle text messaging, along with union actions and Board of Trustees meetings. Kathleen is ready to take on the opportunities and challenges that the VP of Community Colleges will bring.

Sharon Persinger, candidate for PSC Community College Officer

Sharon Persinger

Sharon Persinger

Sharon Persinger is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Bronx Community College. In her previous role as Chapter Chair, she worked to improve health and safety at the college, fought to gain pay for the 15th week of the semester for adjuncts, and supported the struggles of unionized workers on campus and in the Bronx. She served as PSC Treasurer for six years, chairing the Finance Committee that takes first action on the proposed PSC budget and making regular financial reports to the Executive Council and Delegate Assembly. Currently she is a University-Wide Officer on the Executive Council and serves on the Bargaining Committee. She has been nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as Community College Officer.

Emily Schnee, candidate for PSC Community College Officer

Emily Schnee

Emily Schnee

Emily Schnee is a Professor of English at Kingsborough Community College, where she has taught Developmental English, Composition, and Literature classes since 2008. Prior to becoming part of the full-time faculty, she received her PhD in Urban Education from the CUNY Graduate Center and worked as an Adjunct Instructor, Graduate Assistant, and Instructor in Adult Education programs at various CUNY campuses. Her research focuses on questions of justice and equity in community college education and has been published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Community College Review, Radical Teacher, Teachers College Record, and other journals. Emily has been active in the PSC for the past decade and is honored to have been nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as a Community College Officer.

Youngmin Seo, candidate for PSC Community College Officer

Youngmin Seo

Youngmin Seo

Youngmin Seo is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Social Science Department at LaGuardia Community College and Borough of Manhattan Community College. He has a Master’s in Anthropology from City College and an ABD in Anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center. He has taught at several CUNY campuses, including LaGuardia, Lehman, Kingsborough, and BMCC. Youngmin has been the LaGuardia PSC Delegate and the LaGuardia PSC Adjunct liaison since 2016. He has also served on the LaGuardia chapter as an executive committee member. He is a University Wide-Officer since 2021 and a member of the current PSC Bargaining Committee since 2023. Youngmin has been actively engaged in many PSC initiatives, including civil disobediences, rallies, door knocking campaigns, phone banking, and the 7K committee. He is an active member of two standing PSC committees: Anti-Racism committee and One-on-One Conversations Committee. He is honored to be nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as a Community College Officer.

Lawrence Bosket, candidate for PSC VP of Cross-Campus Units

Lawrence Bosket

Lawrence Bosket

Lawrence Bosket has had a long and varied connection with Brooklyn College. It began in Fall 1997, when he entered the Adult Degree Program to pursue a Dual-BA degree in Sociology and Political Science. After completing his degrees, he pursued MA degrees within the Political Science and History Departments. During this period, he began working as a CUNYCAP in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. He would subsequently go on to become an Assistant to HEO, when he was hired in 2005 to become the Transfer Admission Counselor and eventually Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions in 2017. His connection with Brooklyn College also included a stint as an Adjunct Lecturer at Brooklyn College from 2006 through 2013. He has been a HEO Delegate since 2016 and was elected as a University-Wide Officer on the Executive Council in 2021. His background as a student, College Assistant, Adjunct, HEO, and Delegate has given him a unique and personal insight into the concerns that our members face. Lawrence is thrilled to be nominated for the VP of Cross-Campus Units on the New Caucus slate.

Zee Dempster, candidate for PSC Cross-Campus Officer

Zee Dempster

Zee Dempster

Zee Dempster serves as a HEO Delegate for the Graduate Center, where she is the Assistant Director of the Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean, (IRADAC) and Assistant Coordinator for the Africana Studies Certificate Program (AFCP). An active member at the Graduate Center, she serves on the HEO Steering Committee, where she created the GC HEO Office Hours. Her strength as a PSC member is exemplified through her one-on-one contact with members. Working as an on-campus HEO Advisor and on the GC HEO Labor-Management Committee allows her to show members how to use the contract to empower themselves. In addition, she participates with the Environmental Health and Safety Watchdogs; she represented the PSC on the GC Reactivation Committee during the pandemic; and she is a Trustee of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund. She is honored to be nominated for the position of Cross-Campus Officer on the New Caucus slate.

Luke Elliott-Negri, candidate for PSC University-Wide Officer

Luke Elliott-Negri

Luke Elliott-Negri

Luke Elliott-Negri is running for re-election as a University-Wide Officer. Over the past decade, he has played many roles in the PSC, including the CUNY Graduate Center Chapter Chair, the Legislative Representative, and Bargaining Committee member. Luke earned his PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of Labor and Urban Studies. He has published studies on labor, politics, and social movements in journals such as Social Problems, Socius, New Labor Forum, and Social Movement Studies.

Rulisa Galloway-Perry, candidate for PSC University Wide-Officer

Rulisa Galloway-Perry

Rulisa Galloway-Perry

Rulisa Galloway-Perry is a Higher Education Officer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She currently serves as a HEO Delegate and Co-Chair for the cross-campus HEO Chapter, which represents about 5,000 HEOs across CUNY. Since becoming a Delegate, she has also served as a NYSUT and AFT Delegate, member of the Health and Safety Committee, Legislative Committee, Environmental Justice Working Group, and the Anti-Racism Committee, where she has been a member and Co-Chair. Previously, Rulisa was a HEO Grievance Counselor and HEO Advisor, from 2018-2022. Her first union-elected position was as a Welfare Fund representative on the John Jay faculty chapter Executive Committee.

Lucy McIntyre, candidate for PSC Cross-Campus Officer

Lucy McIntyre

Lucy McIntyre

Lucy McIntyre is a HEO from the CUNY Central Office where she is the Interim Deputy Director/Compliance Officer for the Office of Student Financial Assistance, which assists the 25 CUNY Financial Aid offices with the awarding and disbursement of over a billion dollars annually in Financial Aid. She earned a BA in Psychology from St. Francis College and a MPA from CUNY’s John Jay College. Lucy has worked in student financial aid for over 27 years and has served on many university, state, and national committees for student funding. Lucy has been active in the PSC for two decades in many roles: Delegate, PSC Leadership Program participant, Chapter Co-Chair, Chapter Chair, Executive Council member, and recently voted onto the Bargaining Committee. She has spent countless hours in Albany lobbying for CUNY funding, TAP Gap restoration, and student support for higher education. Lucy has been nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as a Cross-Campus Officer.

Zeno Wood, candidate for PSC Cross-Campus Officer

Zeno Wood

Zeno Wood

Zeno Wood is a Chief CLT at Brooklyn College, where he has served as the piano technician for the Conservatory of Music since 2007. He has also taught classes as an Adjunct Instructor. He has been active with the union for many years, particularly focused on fighting for CLT rights and representation both at the local and CUNY-wide levels. In earlier incarnations, Zeno has been a New York City music teacher, truck driver, and Central America anti-war organizer. He is honored to be nominated as Cross-Campus Officer on the New Caucus slate.

David Gerwin, candidate for PSC University-Wide Officer

David Gerwin

David Gerwin

David Gerwin is Professor of Social Studies Education and also Chair of the Secondary Education Department at Queens College, where he has taught since 1997. He earned a PhD in American History and an MA in Teaching Social Studies. In 2013 New York State adopted harsh teacher certification tests as part of federal “Race to the Top” policies. While CUNY went along, the PSC stood up and supported faculty in pushing back on NYS certification policies. Drawn into the union as a result of this struggle, he joined the Queens College EC in 2014, as well as the PSC Leadership Development Program. He served as acting QC Chapter Chair in 2016 during the Strike Authorization Vote, and remained Chapter Chair at Queens through the pandemic until becoming Secondary Education Department Chair in 2022. He remains active in the union as a QC Delegate and along with PSC Treasurer Felicia Wharton, he is Co-Chair of the cross-campus PSC CUNY Teacher Education Working Group. He also collaborates with a similar task force within the UUP. He is thrilled to be running for University-Wide Officer on the New Caucus slate.

Heather B. James, candidate for PSC University-Wide Officer

Heather B. James

Heather B. James

Heather B. James is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), where she serves in chapter leadership, participates in Membership campaigns and VOTE-COPE drives, and has supported forums for adjunct faculty members. She also participates extensively in PSC’s legislative and electoral efforts. Her work helped shape our fledgling City Budget Campaign into a fully operational lobbying effort and brought community college chapter leaders, as well as HEOs and CLTs, closer to our city budget work. Currently, she is the Chair of the Legislation Committee and serves as the PSC’s Legislative Representative. Before arriving at CUNY, she was a Graduate Researcher focused on women’s campaigns and helped run political leadership training programs for young women. She’s also worked on several grassroots campaigns and as a part of advocacy coalitions. Her teaching focuses on New York City politics and American Government. She also serves as the Campus Liaison for a CUNY-wide public service internship program. Heather is running for University-Wide Officer on the New Caucus slate.

Justyna Jagielnicka, candidate for PSC University-Wide Officer

Justyna Jagielnicka

Justyna Jagielnicka

Justyna Jagielnicka graduated with both BA and MA degrees from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She is a New York State licensed Mental Health Counselor, currently employed as a College Discovery Program Counselor at BMCC. Justyna is a social justice advocate and a PSC activist; she’s been a member of the PSC BMCC Executive Committee since she was elected as HEO Delegate in 2016. Justyna joined the PSC Legislative Committee the same year she was elected as HEO Delegate. Since then, she has been appointed as a NYSUT PAC Coordinator, which gave her the opportunity to volunteer on political campaigns and lead endorsement interviews for candidates running for city and state office. She has represented the PSC at the WFP endorsement interviews and participated in countless actions in Albany and on the streets of NYC. Justyna has testified in hearings to ensure proper funding to CUNY. As an immigrant woman, Justyna has fought hard to have a voice as a CUNY professional and a HEO. She is excited to be running for PSC University-Wide Officer on the New Caucus slate.

Marva Lilly, candidate for PSC Retiree Representative

Marva Lilly

Marva Lilly

Marva Lilly is a HEO Retiree from John Jay College, where she worked as a Program Coordinator in the Continuing Education Office of Special Programs and Affirmative Action Assistant in the Office of Compliance and Diversity. She served as Treasurer of the HEO Chapter for three years. Marva received her BBA degree in Marketing and Management from Pace University. Marva has been active in the PSC and Retiree Chapter for the past 11 years. She served a three-year term as Secretary and was active on the Social Safety Net Committee presenting workshops to NYSUT statewide audiences and community groups on the benefits of saving Social Security. She has served on the PSC Executive Council for the past three years, where she participated in lobbying in Albany, attended many rallies, and participated in NYSUT Retiree Council meetings. Marva has also participated in many one-on-one phone banking sessions, and the Retiree Chapter Membership Drive, and recently attended four bargaining sessions working on a new PSC-CUNY contract. Marva is running for a second term as a Retiree Representative.

Nancy Romer, candidate for Retiree Representative

Nancy Romer

Nancy Romer

As a lifelong union activist, Nancy is honored to run again for the PSC Executive Council representing retirees. After 42 years as Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College, Nancy retired and has been doing union and climate justice work. She co-leads the PSC Environmental Justice Working Group, has been active in the Medicare (dis) Advantage struggle, and worked on climate and retiree demands in the contract. Nancy supports the broadest member participation to build the union’s powerhouse and will work to advance member power and real results throughout her service to you and the PSC. The present contract struggle is central to our future as university professionals and to CUNY’s success as an urban university and method of transformation of hundreds of thousands of working-class New Yorkers. Our militant fight-back and unity are critical right now for ourselves, our University, our students, and our city.

Lynne Turner, candidate for PSC VP for Part-Time Personnel

Lynne Turner

Lynne Turner

Lynne is honored to run for reelection as VP for Part-Time Personnel. Lynne teaches Labor Studies at the School of Labor and Urban Studies and Sociology at LaGuardia Community College. She has worked in three part-time titles at CUNY: as a Teaching Adjunct, Non-Teaching Adjunct. and contingently funded Graduate Worker. On the Executive Council, she contributes to strategy development, works collaboratively to build the strength of the Committee for Adjuncts and Part-Timers, and serves on the Bargaining Committee. Lynne was Graduate Center Chapter Chair during the pandemic and has taken on many PSC activist roles. Prior to graduate studies, Lynne was a long-term organizing director, researcher, and educator in labor and labor-community organizations, as well as a global justice and anti-war activist. For the past decade, she has been a volunteer instructor for the UALE Northeast Summer Schools for Union Women. Lynne is committed to building the power of our union to win a just contract for #APeoplesCUNY, full CUNY funding, safe conditions at work, building leadership and participation within our union, and to end the two-tiered conditions of work for Adjuncts and Part-Timers.

Rémysell Salas, candidate for PSC Part-Time Personnel Officer

Rémysell Salas

Rémysell Salas

Rémy Salas is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Ethnic and Race Studies at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), where his commitment to civic engagement and advocacy shines through his work. He also plays a crucial role in the Bronx Political Action Committee, which focuses on revitalizing political support at both local and city levels. In 2021-2022, he led the CUNY Rising Alliance, a coalition comprised of labor unions, student bodies, and social justice organizations. Their collective mission was to champion a comprehensive New Deal for CUNY, advocating for a free and accessible education within the City University of New York system. He serves as a director at the Raben Group’s Issue Campaigns and Movements Practice. Leveraging his expertise in coalition building, strategic planning, public policy, government relations, and community development, he continues to drive impactful change in various spheres. In addition to his professional endeavors, he is the democratic district leader for the 80th assembly district. Rémy has been nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as a Part-Time Personnel Officer.

Claudia Shacter-deChabert, candidate for PSC Part-Time Personnel Officer

Claudia Shacter-deChabert

Claudia Shacter-deChabert

Claudia Shacter-deChabert is an Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Labor and Urban Studies, where she regularly teaches classes in contract administration, leadership, and current issues in the labor movement. She has been a Delegate from the GC Chapter since the Spring of 2020 and has been on the Executive Council since the Spring of 2023. She currently serves on the PSC Bargaining Committee. Among her accomplishments, Claudia has helped to grow the Committee of Adjuncts and Part-Timers, participated in one-on-one calling and Hustle campaigns, and initiated advocacy training and workshops. She has been part of the SLU Labor-Management Committee and has also participated in lobbying efforts in Albany and NYC. Claudia has been nominated to serve on the New Caucus slate as Part-Time Personnel Officer.

Pamela Stemberg, candidate for PSC Part-Time Personnel Officer

Pamela Stemberg

Pamela Stemberg

Pamela Stemberg, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in English at the City College of New York and Hostos Community College, is a dedicated advocate for education, labor rights, and environmental awareness. Serving as Co-Chair of the City College Chapter and a Part-Time Personnel Officer on the PSC Executive Council, she champions fairness and equity for faculty and staff across the CUNY system. Her commitment to community engagement is highlighted by her recent appointment to the City College Campus Engagement Network Governance Council, where she focuses on developing projects that connect the campus with the broader Harlem community.

Pam also co-directs the Sustainability Public Service Announcement Project, blending academic insight with environmental activism, significantly impacting students by elevating climate change awareness. Her educational path is marked by an MFA in Creative Non-fiction from City College and current studies in Digital Humanities at the Graduate Center, reflecting her broad scholarly interests. She passionately supports making higher education more accessible and equitable, championing initiatives like a New Deal for CUNY. As a member of the PSC Anti-Bullying Committee, she fosters an inclusive, supportive academic environment.

Published: March 27, 2024

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