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Home » Contract » Article 24: Salary Schedules

Article 24: Salary Schedules

24.1 Salary Schedules. The salary schedule for each title listed in this Article is the appropriate schedule of annual salary rates in effect on the dates indicated. Employees will be placed laterally on the appropriate step of the schedule on the dates indicated.

24.2 Movement within Schedule. “Movement within Schedule” of a person covered by this Article is movement from one schedule step to the next higher step of this same schedule. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, Article XII of the Bylaws shall govern movement within schedule.

Except as otherwise noted in this Agreement, for HEO series employees, the movement within schedule shall take place on the January first or July first following completion of at least eleven (11) full months of service. For all other members of the Instructional Staff the movement within schedule shall take place on the January first of each succeeding year following completion of at least ten (10) full months of service.

(a) The last two steps on the salary schedules for employees in the titles Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Higher Education Officer, Higher Education Associate, Higher Education Assistant, and Assistant to Higher Education Officer, in the Registrar title series, and in the CLT title series are an exception to the preceding paragraph. The penultimate step on the salary schedules for these employees, designated in the schedule by bold print and an asterisk, is known as the “five-year step.” Employees in the titles listed above shall be eligible to receive the “five-year step” not later than upon completion of five years of service at the preceding step, known as the “last one year step.” Following the “five-year step” in the salary schedules for employees in the titles listed above is the “seven-year step,” designated in the salary schedules by bold print and two asterisks. Employees in the titles listed above shall be eligible to receive the “seven-year step” not later than upon completion of two years of service at the five year step.

In all cases, time served shall be counted in accordance with the established rules applicable to determining movement within schedule.

Lecturers who hold doctoral degrees from an accredited university in a field related to the discipline taught or the job duties performed by the Lecturer shall receive a differential. This differential is included in the salaries listed under the title “Lecturer Doctoral Schedule.”

(b) An Adjunct in a teaching or non-teaching title who on July 1, shall have served six semesters University-wide over a period of the preceding three years and who has not received a movement within schedule during that period shall receive a movement within schedule to the next higher dollar amount. For the purpose of this paragraph, a semester shall include summer session. As of August 25, 2022, the language in this provision concerning movement within schedule and subsections 24.2 (b) 1. (i) and (ii) will not apply to teaching adjuncts.

1. (i) Effective August 25, 2006, where an adjunct’s continuous appointments in a teaching or non-teaching title are immediately followed by an appointment to a Substitute full-time position on the instructional staff with no break in service, and the period of Substitute service is immediately followed by continuous appointment to an adjunct teaching or non-teaching title with no break in service, the period of adjunct service immediately preceding the Substitute appointment will be added to the continuous adjunct service immediately following the Substitute service, as though there were no break in adjunct service, for the purposes of determining eligibility for a movement within schedule.

(ii) Effective the Fall 2008 semester, Substitute service immediately preceded by and immediately followed by adjunct service shall be counted as continuous adjunct service for the purpose of determining eligibility for movement within schedule. Substitute service in academic year 2007-2008 shall be considered qualifying toward this benefit.

2. The college shall notify each adjunct instructional staff member of his/her title and hourly rate of pay in his/her appointment letter. If the adjunct instructional staff member believes that the hourly rate of pay is incorrect, he/she will so notify the college’s Office of Human Resources. If the adjunct notifies the college’s Office of Human Resources within 30 days of the first day of the semester, any adjustment in the hourly rate of pay will be made retroactive to the first day of the semester.

(c) Effective at the start of the Fall 2022 semester (i.e., August 25, 2022), the salary steps in teaching adjunct titles, except Medical series titles and Resident series titles, shall be eliminated and replaced with a single hourly rate, as reflected in the salary schedules in Article 24.6.

24.3 The following are the applicable salary schedule changes and salary increases for the period December 1, 2017 through February 28, 2023:

(a) 1. (i) For employees in the full-time titles of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor and Instructor Nursing Science, Research Assistant, College Physician, Higher Education Officer, Higher Education Associate, Higher Education Assistant, Assistant Teacher, Associate Registrar and Assistant Registrar, and for Graduate Assistants A, B, C, and D: effective on October 1, 2018, October 31, 2019, November 15, 2020, November 15, 2021, and November 1, 2022, each employee shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the appropriate salary schedule.

(ii) For employees in the full-time titles of Lecturer, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, full-time CUNY Start Instructor and full-time CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP) Instructor: effective on October 1, 2018, October 31, 2019, November 15, 2020, April 1, 2021, November 15, 2021, and November 1, 2022, each employee shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the appropriate salary schedule.

(iii) For employees in the full-time titles of Chief Laboratory Technician, Senior College Laboratory Technician, and College Laboratory Technician: effective on October 1, 2018, October 31, 2019, January 1, 2020, November 15, 2020, November 15, 2021, and November 1, 2022, each employee shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the appropriate salary schedule.

(iv) For employees in the full-time title of Assistant to HEO: effective on October 1, 2018, October 31, 2019, November 15, 2020, February 1, 2021, November 15, 2021, and November 1, 2022, each employee shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the appropriate salary schedule.

(v) For employees in adjunct and hourly titles: effective on October 1, 2018, October 31, 2019, November 15, 2020, and November 15, 2021, each employee shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was paid on the day preceding implementation of the appropriate salary schedule. The November 1, 2022 2% wage increase shall apply to the hourly rates for all non-teaching adjuncts, adjunct CLTs and CETs, including those in the schools and programs named in section b) below. The November 1, 2022 2% wage increase shall not apply to teaching adjunct series titles and hourly professorial salary schedules except as set forth in subsections a) and b) below.

a) The November 1, 2022 2% wage increase shall apply to the hourly rates for individuals employed in the following teaching adjunct titles whose hourly rate of pay as of August 25, 2022, as a result of previous CUNY employment as a teaching adjunct, exceeds the hourly rate of pay resulting from the application of a single hourly rate of pay for their title effective August 25, 2022: Adjunct Lecturer, Adjunct Lecturer (H), Adjunct Lecturer Doctoral and Instructor (H); Adjunct Assistant Professor and Adjunct Assistant Professor (H); Adjunct Associate Professor and Adjunct Associate Professor (H); and Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Professor (H).

b) The November 1, 2022 2% wage increase shall apply to the hourly rates for teaching adjuncts in Medical series titles, Law School series titles, Resident series titles, Graduate School of Journalism series titles, and Executive Programs in the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College series titles, whose compensation and workload shall continue consistent with past practices and the collective bargaining agreement.

2. Retroactive pay will be paid to employees for such time as they were in active pay status during the periods specified in this paragraph, as follows:

(i) For the period October 1, 2018, to the date upon which the new salary schedules are implemented, employees will receive retroactive salary on the September 30, 2018 salary rate equal to 2.00% per annum.

(ii) For the period October 31, 2019, to the date upon which the new salary schedules are implemented, employees will receive retroactive salary on the October 30, 2019 salary rate, as increased pursuant to Article 24.3 (a) (2) (i), equal to 2.00% per annum.

(iii) In calculating the retroactive pay provided for in Article 24.3 (a) (2) (i), and (ii), the January 1 and July 1 step increases that employees may have received will be adjusted by the appropriate percentage increases.

(b) 1. The salary of each employee who is in a title for which there is no step schedule and who was in active pay status on September 30, 2018, shall be paid at a salary rate which is 2.00% more than the September 30, 2018 rate during the period October 1, 2018, through October 30, 2019.

2. The salary rate of each employee who is in a title for which there is no step schedule and who was in active pay status on October 30, 2019, shall be paid at a salary rate which is 2.00% more than the October 30, 2019 rate during the period October 31, 2019, through November 14, 2020.

3. The salary rate of each employee who is in a title for which there is no step schedule and who was in active pay status on November 14, 2020 shall be paid at a salary rate which is 2.00% more than the November 14, 2020 salary rate during the period November 15, 2020, through November 14, 2021.

4. The salary rate of each employee who is in a title for which there is no step schedule and who was in active pay status on November 14, 2021, shall be paid at a salary rate which is 2.00% more than the November 14, 2021 salary rate during the period November 15, 2021, through October 31, 2022.

5. The salary rate of each employee who is in a title for which there is no step schedule and who was in active pay status on October 31, 2022, shall be paid at a salary rate which is 2.00% more than the October 31, 2022 salary rate effective November 1, 2022.

24.4 Summer Salaries for Department Chairpersons

(a) Effective Summer 2004 and every summer thereafter, Department Chairpersons shall be compensated according to the following formula for any and all hours of work performed as Department Chairpersons during their annual leave period: (annual salary divided by 9) multiplied by (number of hours worked divided by 120 hours).

(b) Discussions between the Department Chairperson and the President or the President’s designee regarding the number of hours and the amount of work the college is prepared to compensate, if any, will be concluded by April 30 of each year.

(c) This provision shall not affect existing agreed-upon practices concerning coverage of the Department Chairperson’s duties when he/she is unavailable to perform them. Under such circumstances, coverage shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) above.

(d) All other provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding annual leave and Department Chairpersons shall remain in full force and effect.

24.5 Hunter College Campus Schools.

(a) The provisions of Section 6216 of the New York State Education Law relating to salaries of persons employed in the Hunter College Campus Schools shall be applicable.

(b) The Hunter College Campus Schools may hire persons to teach on an hourly basis when full time teaching service is not warranted. Hourly service may be required for instruction in highly specialized areas or when there is a shortage of regularly licensed teachers in particular licensed areas. Hourly teachers shall be hired for not more than three contact hours per day. A contact hour shall be not less than 45 minutes for purposes of this Article. The hourly rate is .13 of the daily rate. Effective January 1, 2020, the hourly rate is .20 of the daily rate. The daily rate is 1/180 of the annual salary rate based upon the Board of Education’s salary schedule, C1 through C2 + PD, up to the maximum step, 4A.

Incumbent half time employees as of September, 1987, shall retain a fractional salary rate for the duration of their employment as long as such employment is continuous.

(c) Incumbents in the title Assistant Teacher as of August 31, 1990 shall be paid in accordance with the salary schedule established effective November 1, 1990. Incumbents in this title will be eligible to receive a movement within schedule on January 1, 1995 and the January first of each succeeding year following completion of at least ten (10) full months of service. The salary rates are set forth in the schedule in Article 24. Effective September 6, 2016, each employee in the Assistant Teacher title shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the September 6, 2016 salary schedule. Effective January 1, 2020, each employee in the Assistant Teacher title shall move to the step of the salary schedule paralleling the step on which the employee was being paid on the day preceding implementation of the January 1, 2020 salary schedule.

24.6 Salary Schedules

For Salary Schedules click here.

24.7 Assigned Overtime Rates 16

(a) Counseling

Members of the non classroom staff engaged in professional psychological counseling assignments shall be remunerated in accordance with the appropriate adjunct or hourly rate.

All other non-classroom staff engaged in counseling assignments shall be remunerated at the appropriate non-teaching adjunct or hourly rate.

(b) Professional Library Staff

Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Instructors shall be remunerated in accordance with the appropriate non-teaching adjunct/hourly schedule and in accordance with the stated guidelines.

(c) Professional Registrar Staff

Associate Registrars and Assistant Registrars shall be remunerated in accordance with the appropriate non-teaching adjunct/hourly schedule and in accordance with the stated guidelines.

Associate Registrars who are reclassified to the title Higher Education Assistant or Assistant Registrars who are reclassified to the title Assistant to Higher Education Officer or appointed to the title Higher Education Assistant, while continuing to perform registrarial duties, shall continue to be remunerated in accordance with the foregoing paragraph and the practices in effect at the college of employment.

Both parties agree that the work required from these staffs during the registration period is an integral part of the total job. Thus, every effort shall be made to minimize compensable time for this group during registration periods. Necessary coverage is to be achieved through work schedule changes.

(d) Professional Business Management Staff

An employee who was converted from an Assistant Business Manager or Assistant to Business Manager title effective January 1, 1988, to a HEO series title and remains in the converted HEO series title performing the same duties performed in the former Business Manager series title shall be remunerated in accordance with the appropriate non-teaching adjunct/hourly schedule and in accordance with the stated guidelines.

Both parties agree that the work required from these staffs during peak periods, such as registration, budget preparation, etc., is an integral part of the total job. Thus, every effort shall be made to minimize compensable time for this group during these peak periods. Necessary coverage is to be achieved through work schedule changes.

(e) College Laboratory Technicians

College Laboratory Technicians shall be remunerated for work performed in special sessions (evening, summer evening) beyond their normal assignments at an hourly rate in accordance with the newly established schedules.

24.8 CLT Series/Assistant to HEO Differentials for Advanced Degrees

(a) Effective March 19, 2010, College Laboratory Technicians, Senior College Laboratory Technicians, Chief College Laboratory Technicians, and Assistants to Higher Education Officer who hold a master’s degree from an accredited university in a field related to their job duties shall receive a $1,000 annual salary differential.

(b) Effective March 19, 2010, College Laboratory Technicians, Senior College Laboratory Technicians, Chief College Laboratory Technicians, and Assistants to Higher Education Officer who hold a doctoral degree from an accredited university in a field related to their job duties shall receive a $2,500 annual salary differential.

24.9 In addition to the existing ability of the colleges and the University to grant reassigned time or make payments on an hourly basis, the parties agree to enter into a pilot program that will give the colleges and the University the discretion to pay faculty via stipends for work on certain defined projects that are not part of the employee’s normal responsibilities and that include a specific deliverable in a specified timeframe. See Appendix M.
16The provisions set forth in Article 24.7 (“Assigned Overtime Rates”) are effective August 25, 2022. For the period December 1, 2017, through August 24, 2022, the provisions of Article 24.7 of the 2010-2017 collective bargaining agreement continued in effect.

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