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Home » About Us » Labor Goes to Movies, "Caché"

Labor Goes to Movies, "Caché"

Labor Goes to the Movies — Caché (Michael Haneke, Austria/France, 2006) Friday, April 8, 6 pm, PSC Union Hall, 16th Floor, 61 Broadway

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Haneke films mercilessly examine and explode the surface of European bourgeois culture. In the celebrated Caché (Best Director, Cannes Film Festival), Haneke excavates the “hidden” sin buried in a successful television director’s past, as a series of enigmatic video tapes arrive at his doorstep. Initially anodyne, the tapes plunge deeper into repressed childhood, dredging up the 1961 French scandal of a massacre of Algerians on the streets of Paris. Starring Daniel Auteuil and Juliette Binoche, “Hidden [Caché] is Michael Haneke’s masterpiece: a compelling politico-psychological essay about the denial and guilt mixed into the foundations of western prosperity, composed and filmed with remarkable technique. It is one of the great films of this decade,” says The Guardian.

(Click the pdf attachment below for the full schedule and description of the 2010-11 season.)

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