- Freya Pritchard, Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, York College PSC Chapter Chair and Delegate
- Fabiola Salek, Professor and Chair, World Languages, Literatures and Humanities, York College PSC Chapter Vice Chair and Delegate
- Cheryl Morrison, HEO Associate, Student Financial Services, HEO Advisor, PSC HEO Delegate
- Elizabeth Meddeb, Associate Professor, World Languages, Literatures, and Humanities
- Ian Hansen, Professor, Behavioral Sciences
- Jim Papa, Professor, English
- William Hughes, Assistant Professor, English
- John Drobnicki, Professor, Library
- William Ashton, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
- Gabrielle deFiebre, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health and Human Performance
- Zohra Saad, Associate Professor , World Languages, Literatures, and Humanities
- Marc Huberman, Instructor, Health and PE
- Gila Acker, Professor of social work , Social work
- Carol Whyzmuzis, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology
- Anna Williams, Adjunct Lecturer, World Languages
- Sarah Delahousse, Adjunct Assistant Professor, English