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Home » But……I read it in the New York Times!

But……I read it in the New York Times!

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013, p.A24

“Two Colleges in City Draft Rules That Restrict Student Protests”

The article reports on increased restrictions on freedoms of expression and protest at City College and Cooper Union, and then states that there are new rules on “expressive conduct” at City College.

The article is misleading and/or misinformed in stating that these highly restrictive policies are a result of “…anger over the closing of a community center” at City. In fact, members of our union discovered that this draft was actually dated 6/27/13 – prior to our students’ activities. Furthermore, the article misleadingly refers to this policy as being crafted by City College, when in fact it was developed by the CUNY Board of Trustees.

If you read more carefully you learn, what we already know, that it is the CUNY trustees who developed this policy, The City University of New York Policy on Expressive Conduct (Draft-10/11/13) and it calls for amongst other things:

  • Free speech & assembly subject to needs of public ordesr
  • Restrict gatherings & distribution of leaflets to approved areas & times.
  • Forbids faculty members from taking part in protests “during working hours.”
  • If 25 students, at least 24 hours prior, they have to give notice of location, date, time & expected turnout….subject to approval/alteration !

We must as a community work to protect our freedom of speech here at City College, throughout CUNY, and everywhere!

Professor Alan Feigenberg
CCNY Chapter Chair of the PSC-CUNY

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CUNY's Microsoft email has a security block for mass mailings that has held up some of our emails. A few thousand members have already voted, and we will all have the chance to vote. AAA believes they have a workaround, and they will again send out the message to all eligible members who have not yet voted. The emails will begin to go out in batches tonight, Monday, December 23rd. It may take a while to land in your inbox, (spam, or junk mail.)