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Pathways Ad Campaign

Renowned CUNY Faculty Speak Out in Ad Campaign Against Pathways

Dr. Blanche Wiesen Cook, distinguished professor of history at John Jay College, and Dr. Manfred Philipp, professor of chemistry at Lehman College, are featured in a new ad campaign opposing Pathways, CUNY’s new core curriculum. Look for the ads in the New York Times between March 18 and March 24.

In an ad running in the New York Times twice, Dr. Wiesen Cook, a Hunter College graduate and an accomplished historian, says “[Pathways] will weaken a CUNY education for the next generation.”

PathwaysFaculty Ad Cook.jpg
Full text of the ad.

Dr. Philipp, a twice-honored Senior Fulbright Scholar and biochemist with significant biomedical patents to his name, agrees with Dr. Wiesen Cook. His ad reads: “[Pathways] limits students’ exposure to new ideas and robs them of opportunities to discover new talents and passions, cutting costs by sacrificing rigor and educational quality.”

PathwaysFaculty Ad Philipp.jpg
Full text of the ad.

MORE ON THE ADS: “The conflict spilled into view this week, with ads published in several newspapers” reported WNYC’s and National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” in a story about Pathways on March 21st. Click here to listen to PSC President Barbara Bowen and CUNY Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lexa Logue interviewed by WNYC’s Amy Eddings.

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