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Pathways Videos

Nearly 350 faculty, staff and students attended a March 8th PSC Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, the City University of New York’s (CUNY’s) top-down overhaul of general education and transfer.

Below are videos excerpting two of the speakers at that meeting, PSC President Barbara Bowen and Terrence Martell, Vice Chair UFS and Saxe Distinguished Professor of Finance, Baruch College.

Barbara Bowen

This is the first 10 minutes of the opening statement from PSC President Barbara Bowen. Bowen told the crowd. “In more than 20 years at CUNY, I have never seen anything that has so deeply troubled the faculty as Pathways. Why has it hit a nerve?” she asked. “It’s because the claims of Pathways are false, the method of its imposition on us is a direct attack on faculty governance and its effect on students will be disastrous.”

Terrence Martell

Terrence Martell, Vice Chair UFS and Saxe Distinguished Professor of Finance, Baruch College, is a plaintiff on the Pathways lawsuit, along with PSC President Barbara Bowen and UFS Chair Sandi Cooper. Here he is at the March 8 Town Hall explaining why he opposes Pathways.

Pathways embodies “the subtle racism of low expectations,” he said. “[It is] a fundamental education disaster and I stand against it….Pathways consigns our students to a grim future. It is truly a Pathways to oblivion.”

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